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If you are an international student interested in opportunities to study in the United States, please contact your nearest EducationUSA advising center. Do not create a profile here. Log-in is only available to EducationUSA Advisers, State Department representatives, staff of: regionally/nationally accredited U.S. post-secondary institutions; higher education associations whose membership is comprised of a majority of accredited U.S. post-secondary institutions (e.g. NACAC, IIE, AACC, NAFSA, etc.); U.S. Government agencies.
Accredited U.S. post-secondary institution staff and associations whose members are accredited U.S. post-secondary institutions
Officers of the State Department who work with or are interested in EducationUSA (NOTE: THIS CATEGORY NOT MEANT FOR LE ADVISERS)
EducationUSA Advisers at EducationUSA centers, including LE staff